*Posting for yesterday. I lied....it was not the last day of the month, but you already knew that, didn't you?*
Today, is my oldest's 17th birthday.
Yesterday was the 17th anniversary of the day before I became a mom. I wish I could remember that day. Was I nervous? Excited? I'd assume both. Maybe I should try to find my journal from those days...take a step back in time.
I suppose part of why I'm loving this 366 project is that it's helping record my life, as I let it. I'm trying to allow the documentation mentality, more & more. It's a process learned, I think.
So many years are only remembered through fading memories, blurred by lost brain cells, hereditary memory loss & circumstance. Many of my "early days" photos were ruined in a flood years ago. I saved a few, but most were destroyed. (mental note to self that one of today's photos *must* be a baby picture of my now-almost adult son. wow..almost adult. Be right back..need a heart transplant right quick.....
Ok, back to the post of the day...)
So anyway, last night, I decided to document. My kids, my house, my life as it unfolded in the last hours of the day. This is the story, as it wrote itself...
Monday night is "last chance to read library books" night. After dinner, we read "Give a Pig a Party", a Spongebob book, and "If I Ran a Zoo", by Dr. Suess. Always good for a few belly laughs! And, I learned if you read to a child who can read, they *will* correct your mistakes...no more add libbing..haha
Then I allowed them a little last minute Pink Panther (the old style cartoon) watching on Netflix before bed.
While they were zoned out eating popcorn and trying desperately not to fall asleep, I snuck around my house, seeing what there was to see.
Dinner was eaten, but not cleaned up.
Shoes (or more accurately, boots) were strewn everywhere...
I tidied them up, some.
Back in the kitchen, I noticed that a remnant of just about everything we as a family drink was left for mom's photo-taking pleasure. Coffee creamer, apple juice, milk and water (who refused to make a cameo) are staples in our house.
Inspired by a close-up master, I sweet talked the toaster.
He was rude...just turned red, and ignored me. I didn't even get toast outta the deal. Wth
Then, it was sit down to a cup of warmed-up coffee (don't say ewwww...you know you do it too)...
And make a list of things I need for Chris' birthday dinner.
I didn't forget Saran Wrap this time. Gold star for me :)
Next was throw boys in bed...(they enjoy flying)...and leave them in the care of my teen boy so I can run off to grocery shop with my man. (I must remember to get his sexy face up here soon!)
Some day, I'll stop being shy about using my camera in public...lol I bet the grocery store has a few good stories to tell :)
Last but not least, home to make the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake.
This would be the day's official photo. It doesn't look as yummy as the last cake pic I posted..but I for one am gonna LOVE the hell outta it, believe that!
And then.........falling asleep to the soothing tunes of a shark week rerun.
Only one more day to close out this month....promise. Haha
Note ~ yes, I'm aware I had way too much fun editing these. Most of them needed a little help. It's all good. :)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Weekend Ketchup (27/366, 28/366 & 29/366)
*posting for previous 3 days*
**Hangs head in shame**
God, I know....I'm cheating. I took pictures every day. Promise. I just can't blog at home, right now. The wii is great for web surfing. Ok, not great...functional. Mostly, kinda functional. But, other then hit the "like" button on fb, there isn't much else I can DO. And, the computer was built in 1965. Plus 25 years. But still...windows 98 doesn't even understand what blogging, usb's, or jpeg's are. ((( Hurry up taxes..I want a new computer!!!! ))) And, well, I am too lazy to post 3 blogs just because I'm supposed to be posting a blog every day. Meh.
Cheater cheater pumpkin eater :)
So, Friday (27/366), I took a quick snapshot.
I decided since I was working on my own creativity, and also working on consistency, I couldn't *not* take any photo at all. I had no interest in setting up a still life. No desire to get out of my jammies and do a selfie. Certainly no desire to be on the internet in my jammies.
So I started getting sentimental, and decided that part of my 366 should be focused on the creativity of others in my life, namely my children & my ancestors.
Here is a painting my daughter did for me a few years ago, one day when I was sad.
As I'm remembering this event, she knew I had abandoned a plan to paint something on that very same wooden breakfast tray to give to *my* mom. I'm touched, all over again, at the sentiment. I love you, Kait!
Saturday (28/366), I had very special company coming. You wouldn't believe me if I told you... my ex-husband's most recent ex girlfriend. Long story. Good story. She's a great woman. We'd be awesome friends :) Anyway, While I was waiting for her to show up, I had nothing better to do then take advantage of the super sweet light rays coming in the window & my super-dee-duper make-up job... *roll eyes*
I will tell you that once again something was burnt in my oven while doing this self-portrait. You shouldn't even be surprised anymore.
Here's a outtake I think I might like
After I posted it to Flickr, I noticed the gold zit on my chin. It's actually the tip of my bronze colored earrings..I should try to develop a better eye for these things, and a skill in cloning..
Sunday (29/366), I decided to continue the "artists in my life I want to feature". This one is an ink drawing done by my great-grandfather. I have many of his old drawings/sketches I want to frame at some point in life.
Don't ya just love the abstract-kinda-ness of it?
One day to go, and month one of this journey is put to bed!
**Hangs head in shame**
God, I know....I'm cheating. I took pictures every day. Promise. I just can't blog at home, right now. The wii is great for web surfing. Ok, not great...functional. Mostly, kinda functional. But, other then hit the "like" button on fb, there isn't much else I can DO. And, the computer was built in 1965. Plus 25 years. But still...windows 98 doesn't even understand what blogging, usb's, or jpeg's are. ((( Hurry up taxes..I want a new computer!!!! ))) And, well, I am too lazy to post 3 blogs just because I'm supposed to be posting a blog every day. Meh.
Cheater cheater pumpkin eater :)
So, Friday (27/366), I took a quick snapshot.
I decided since I was working on my own creativity, and also working on consistency, I couldn't *not* take any photo at all. I had no interest in setting up a still life. No desire to get out of my jammies and do a selfie. Certainly no desire to be on the internet in my jammies.
So I started getting sentimental, and decided that part of my 366 should be focused on the creativity of others in my life, namely my children & my ancestors.
Here is a painting my daughter did for me a few years ago, one day when I was sad.
As I'm remembering this event, she knew I had abandoned a plan to paint something on that very same wooden breakfast tray to give to *my* mom. I'm touched, all over again, at the sentiment. I love you, Kait!
Saturday (28/366), I had very special company coming. You wouldn't believe me if I told you... my ex-husband's most recent ex girlfriend. Long story. Good story. She's a great woman. We'd be awesome friends :) Anyway, While I was waiting for her to show up, I had nothing better to do then take advantage of the super sweet light rays coming in the window & my super-dee-duper make-up job... *roll eyes*
I will tell you that once again something was burnt in my oven while doing this self-portrait. You shouldn't even be surprised anymore.
Here's a outtake I think I might like
After I posted it to Flickr, I noticed the gold zit on my chin. It's actually the tip of my bronze colored earrings..I should try to develop a better eye for these things, and a skill in cloning..
Sunday (29/366), I decided to continue the "artists in my life I want to feature". This one is an ink drawing done by my great-grandfather. I have many of his old drawings/sketches I want to frame at some point in life.
Don't ya just love the abstract-kinda-ness of it?
One day to go, and month one of this journey is put to bed!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Crayola (26/366)
*posting for yesterday*
Elijah had his crayons out for homework.
I was tired, and thankful he saved me topic contemplation.
Elijah had his crayons out for homework.
I was tired, and thankful he saved me topic contemplation.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wishful (25/366)
*posting for yesterday, of course*
Wow. 25 days in already. Just...wow.
Time flies, I guess. In a good way. Flying is good.
I have several photos from yesterday, scrambled topics like eggs. Shoes to toys to dead flowers to myself. And no, today's photo is not a selfie, despite my intentions yesterday to make it so. In fact, the only Jenn shots I got last night aren't fit to be viewed by a blind mole rat. Trust me. Really.
I suppose I have a non-traditional like for shoes. I don't like to amass large quantities in my closet. I just like how a discarded shoe cries.
I mean, how would you feel if you were walked on all day, then just tossed into a heap when your use was exhausted?
And this guy was trying to trip me as I walked to the bathroom. Scout's honor.
I retaliated by taking his photo. Someone asked me where his hat was. I'm assuming in the bottom of the toy bin with beyblades, hot wheels & other discarded toys.
Last but not least.... this, my dear reader, is the photo of the yesterday.... and one I'd add to my "could be a greeting card cover" collection, if I was inclined to have such a thing.
Wow. 25 days in already. Just...wow.
Time flies, I guess. In a good way. Flying is good.
I have several photos from yesterday, scrambled topics like eggs. Shoes to toys to dead flowers to myself. And no, today's photo is not a selfie, despite my intentions yesterday to make it so. In fact, the only Jenn shots I got last night aren't fit to be viewed by a blind mole rat. Trust me. Really.
I suppose I have a non-traditional like for shoes. I don't like to amass large quantities in my closet. I just like how a discarded shoe cries.
I mean, how would you feel if you were walked on all day, then just tossed into a heap when your use was exhausted?
And this guy was trying to trip me as I walked to the bathroom. Scout's honor.
I retaliated by taking his photo. Someone asked me where his hat was. I'm assuming in the bottom of the toy bin with beyblades, hot wheels & other discarded toys.
Last but not least.... this, my dear reader, is the photo of the yesterday.... and one I'd add to my "could be a greeting card cover" collection, if I was inclined to have such a thing.
Oh no there you go
Looked away and
Missed the show
How much wasted time
Will you survive
Oh yeah fooled again
I don´t know how
And I don´t know when
Not much else to blame
But wishful thinking
~excerpt of "Wishful Thinking", The Doors
There's more outtakes & undesirables on my Flickr. Or just scroll down. Feel free to check them out.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Window (24/366)
*posting for today*
This window has been begging for it's self-portrait via me....for years.
I love the textures, the discoloration of the brick (which I did enhance), the loneliness of the window (even though there's more windows outside the frame).
Anyhoo, here is my take on a old, lonely, weathered & beaten window.
This window has been begging for it's self-portrait via me....for years.
I love the textures, the discoloration of the brick (which I did enhance), the loneliness of the window (even though there's more windows outside the frame).
Anyhoo, here is my take on a old, lonely, weathered & beaten window.
Trust Love (23/366)
*posting for yesterday, relevant for today*
My daughter got me this beautiful bookmark for Christmas. I thought it worthy of its own daily photo feature. Using a book I received years ago, but haven't given enough attention, The Artist's Way, I set up this shot for day 23 last night while, once again, burning dinner.
When I was editing it, I noticed "we learn to trust" in part of the focused text. So appropriately timed, love & trust being entwined in the same space. Perhaps that's just where I am, right now...seeking symbolism in everything. But I can't explain how comforting & much-needed that message was to me, this morning. Thank you, 366.
My daughter got me this beautiful bookmark for Christmas. I thought it worthy of its own daily photo feature. Using a book I received years ago, but haven't given enough attention, The Artist's Way, I set up this shot for day 23 last night while, once again, burning dinner.
When I was editing it, I noticed "we learn to trust" in part of the focused text. So appropriately timed, love & trust being entwined in the same space. Perhaps that's just where I am, right now...seeking symbolism in everything. But I can't explain how comforting & much-needed that message was to me, this morning. Thank you, 366.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Weekend Quickies (20/366, 21/366, 22/366)
*posting for the last three days*
I'm not really in the right frame of mind for posting...but I need to catch up on the last few days. I have taken the pictures (because I refuse to quit this project), but have nothing profound, funny or even descriptive to say.
I wrote this on Flickr:
"Actually, it's just that emotional well-being and creativity seem to go hand-in-hand. Some days, one gets in the way of the other. Some days, they blend & become one. Yesterday, they were't even on speaking terms."
That about sums it up.
I'll get better at this...eventually.
I'm not really in the right frame of mind for posting...but I need to catch up on the last few days. I have taken the pictures (because I refuse to quit this project), but have nothing profound, funny or even descriptive to say.
I wrote this on Flickr:
"Actually, it's just that emotional well-being and creativity seem to go hand-in-hand. Some days, one gets in the way of the other. Some days, they blend & become one. Yesterday, they were't even on speaking terms."
That about sums it up.
I'll get better at this...eventually.
Blu, my mom's kitten ~ day 20/366 |
Typical Saturday Night ~ day 21/366 |
![]() |
22 ~ day 22/366 |
Friday, January 20, 2012
Alone (19/366)
So yesterday (which I'm posting for) was crazy...but that seems to be an ongoing theme these days.
I'm finding myself really wishing I had more time to do everything....anything other then work, sleep & clean... LOL
Mom's birthday celebration was last night. Dinner was chicken stir-fry, complete with broccoli, snow peas, water chestnuts, baby corn thingies, and scallions. We also had salad, and this cake. (Only click if you didn't see yesterday's blog..or you did, but want to re-taste the eye candy ;) ) The meal was really yummy, and colorful. I would have taken pictures & used them as day 19...but I fear food will take over my 366, bite by bite :/
We laughed, talked over coffee, watched some really really stupid (but amazingly still entertaining) video. Apparently it's Toby Keith's new popular song? One of those things that makes you smile like a fool while shaking your head in self-disappointment that you're enjoying it.
Everyone had to leave around 8, and I shuffled (some very wound up, crazy) kids to bed, and after a little (very little) clean up & a shower, I plopped on the couch. It occurred to me I hadn't done my photo yet. Unless this counts....I have a thing about always finding re-occurring numbers, and this was what I found when I got in the car to leave work. Hello cell-phone pic!
Anyway, it was almost 9pm, and I needed a real photo. I got up, got my camera, and re-plopped. I contemplated the DPS assignment, Green. Nothing within eye-shot was green, except my living room wall.
I painted my small living room walls a dark green, in a act of defiance & liberation when I kicked out my now-ex husband. Everyone said I was nuts. I really like it, but will probably end up re-painting a lighter color eventually.
Anyway, I sat there, and continued to think green. And then hot tea. LOL Don't ask where the connection is..I have no clue. I made myself a cup of tea, and set it on a small side table I hand-painted once upon a lifetime ago. (remind me someday to show you the beautiful, but chipping top)
I looked at the clock...almost 10 now. Still no photo. And then it came to me...
It's simple...but effective, I think. Yes, that's my living room wall, although it's not *that* dark, or that brown-ish, in person. I really hoped to catch the steam. But that's an attempt for another night.
I'm finding myself really wishing I had more time to do everything....anything other then work, sleep & clean... LOL
Mom's birthday celebration was last night. Dinner was chicken stir-fry, complete with broccoli, snow peas, water chestnuts, baby corn thingies, and scallions. We also had salad, and this cake. (Only click if you didn't see yesterday's blog..or you did, but want to re-taste the eye candy ;) ) The meal was really yummy, and colorful. I would have taken pictures & used them as day 19...but I fear food will take over my 366, bite by bite :/
We laughed, talked over coffee, watched some really really stupid (but amazingly still entertaining) video. Apparently it's Toby Keith's new popular song? One of those things that makes you smile like a fool while shaking your head in self-disappointment that you're enjoying it.
Everyone had to leave around 8, and I shuffled (some very wound up, crazy) kids to bed, and after a little (very little) clean up & a shower, I plopped on the couch. It occurred to me I hadn't done my photo yet. Unless this counts....I have a thing about always finding re-occurring numbers, and this was what I found when I got in the car to leave work. Hello cell-phone pic!
Anyway, it was almost 9pm, and I needed a real photo. I got up, got my camera, and re-plopped. I contemplated the DPS assignment, Green. Nothing within eye-shot was green, except my living room wall.
I painted my small living room walls a dark green, in a act of defiance & liberation when I kicked out my now-ex husband. Everyone said I was nuts. I really like it, but will probably end up re-painting a lighter color eventually.
Anyway, I sat there, and continued to think green. And then hot tea. LOL Don't ask where the connection is..I have no clue. I made myself a cup of tea, and set it on a small side table I hand-painted once upon a lifetime ago. (remind me someday to show you the beautiful, but chipping top)
I looked at the clock...almost 10 now. Still no photo. And then it came to me...
It's simple...but effective, I think. Yes, that's my living room wall, although it's not *that* dark, or that brown-ish, in person. I really hoped to catch the steam. But that's an attempt for another night.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Minty, Artsy, Award-y (18/366)
*posting for yesterday*
It's a long one...bear with me :)
My oldest, Chris, has always been artsy, drawing & sketching mostly. He's in his junior year, which makes this the 12th year he's had art in a school based art show. But, this year is different.
A few months ago, he came to me and asked for inspiration, something he could use for a print-making project in art class. I gave him a printed copy of this photo I took a few years back.

Some time later, he brought home a plexi-glass etched print, and gave it to my mother as a gift. He mentioned he had been entered into some competition, and he'd hear back after a few weeks if he was a contender.
He did hear back.
Last night was the awards ceremony. It was hosted by the local college, OCC, and M & T Bank. All art work chosen for an award will be displayed in OCC's gallery for about 5 weeks.
Out of 4500+ entries from all over central New York, about 250 kids were chosen for Gold Key Awards. Five or six of those kids got to move on to the national level competition. Chris wasn't one of those :(
(This is where I started feeling a huge sense of "man, I screwed up" as I watched all these talented kids getting recognition for their work..including photography.)
Anyway... 6 other kids were given Silver Key Awards. Chris *was* one of those!
This meant waiting almost 1.5 hours for all other names to be read...
I want to say, for the record, about 30 seconds before his entrance on to stage, I realized I might want to switch my camera to auto so i didn't screw up the most important shot. Then, I realized I didn't know where the auto setting was....
And I panicked...spun the wrong dial, and totally over exposed and under-focused. Sigh.
Afterwards, we found out that one of the perks of getting the Silver Key award is that, after the display period at OCC.....
My kid is gonna have art on display in a MUSEUM!?!?! How cool is that?!
I know, these pics are soooo far off the charts, technically speaking..but I don't CARE! LOL Focus-schmocus!
We got home about 10 pm.
Did you notice "Minty" in the title of this blog? Did you notice anything minty about this blog so far? No? Well then please scroll down.
down some more.
Hello "minty"
Mom's birthday was Monday. We're celebrating tonight. After the awards ceremony, I made the ice cream cake. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, vanilla ice cream, & cookies 'n cream ice cream, with mint oreos surrounding, and oreo crumbs in between layers.
And because I had to dismantle mint oreos..
and because I needed a semi-good photo for the day...
(but only because the really IMPORTANT ones are so un-flickr-postable)
and because it was fun....
this, my friend, is the real 18/366 photo.....
Someday, I'll tell you about my mint mixed with chocolate aversion. And, I'll finish the story of the car/plane wooden model building escapades from last week.
Someday when I'm not busy. :)
It's a long one...bear with me :)
My oldest, Chris, has always been artsy, drawing & sketching mostly. He's in his junior year, which makes this the 12th year he's had art in a school based art show. But, this year is different.
A few months ago, he came to me and asked for inspiration, something he could use for a print-making project in art class. I gave him a printed copy of this photo I took a few years back.

Some time later, he brought home a plexi-glass etched print, and gave it to my mother as a gift. He mentioned he had been entered into some competition, and he'd hear back after a few weeks if he was a contender.
He did hear back.
Last night was the awards ceremony. It was hosted by the local college, OCC, and M & T Bank. All art work chosen for an award will be displayed in OCC's gallery for about 5 weeks.
Out of 4500+ entries from all over central New York, about 250 kids were chosen for Gold Key Awards. Five or six of those kids got to move on to the national level competition. Chris wasn't one of those :(
(This is where I started feeling a huge sense of "man, I screwed up" as I watched all these talented kids getting recognition for their work..including photography.)
Anyway... 6 other kids were given Silver Key Awards. Chris *was* one of those!
I want to say, for the record, about 30 seconds before his entrance on to stage, I realized I might want to switch my camera to auto so i didn't screw up the most important shot. Then, I realized I didn't know where the auto setting was....
And I panicked...spun the wrong dial, and totally over exposed and under-focused. Sigh.
Afterwards, we found out that one of the perks of getting the Silver Key award is that, after the display period at OCC.....
his artwork will be displayed in Everson Museum of Art! !
"Nature's Consumption" by Christopher |
I know, these pics are soooo far off the charts, technically speaking..but I don't CARE! LOL Focus-schmocus!
We got home about 10 pm.
Did you notice "Minty" in the title of this blog? Did you notice anything minty about this blog so far? No? Well then please scroll down.
down some more.
Hello "minty"
Mom's birthday was Monday. We're celebrating tonight. After the awards ceremony, I made the ice cream cake. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, vanilla ice cream, & cookies 'n cream ice cream, with mint oreos surrounding, and oreo crumbs in between layers.
And because I had to dismantle mint oreos..
and because I needed a semi-good photo for the day...
(but only because the really IMPORTANT ones are so un-flickr-postable)
and because it was fun....
this, my friend, is the real 18/366 photo.....
Someday, I'll tell you about my mint mixed with chocolate aversion. And, I'll finish the story of the car/plane wooden model building escapades from last week.
Someday when I'm not busy. :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Explosion (17/366)
*posting for yesterday, as always*
Yesterday was nuts. Lots to do, and not enough time. After working all day (and actually WORKING! Go figure!) I went home, did the usual dinner, house pick-up, 8 loads of laundry, etc.
Dear readers, you *almost* got a shot of laundry mountains..collaged with a full basket of unmatched socks. Yes, full. It's sad really, my aversion to matching socks. But since I figured laundry, dishes & dirty floors were too mundane, I managed to pick up the camera for literally 5 minutes before bed.
I was going for a water drops on a cd shot. I've seen many that were really cool, and wanted to give it a quick try. I figured set-up would be quick, and I was sooo tired. I threw a cd on the table, dripped a few drops on it, set up tripod, zoomed in for first shot and was instantly struck by these streaks of colors coming off the cd. I forgot all about water drops. Looking at it now, I see the one water drop that made it into focus blurred the colored line, so I will be definitely be experimenting with this idea again.
Yesterday was nuts. Lots to do, and not enough time. After working all day (and actually WORKING! Go figure!) I went home, did the usual dinner, house pick-up, 8 loads of laundry, etc.
Dear readers, you *almost* got a shot of laundry mountains..collaged with a full basket of unmatched socks. Yes, full. It's sad really, my aversion to matching socks. But since I figured laundry, dishes & dirty floors were too mundane, I managed to pick up the camera for literally 5 minutes before bed.
I was going for a water drops on a cd shot. I've seen many that were really cool, and wanted to give it a quick try. I figured set-up would be quick, and I was sooo tired. I threw a cd on the table, dripped a few drops on it, set up tripod, zoomed in for first shot and was instantly struck by these streaks of colors coming off the cd. I forgot all about water drops. Looking at it now, I see the one water drop that made it into focus blurred the colored line, so I will be definitely be experimenting with this idea again.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Me .... (16/366)
Today's (yesterday's, to be accurate) is another self-portrait.
I've been a fan of raw, out-of-the-box self portraits for a long time. The kind that make you just stare, and think. the kind that awaken some kind of emotional understanding. The dramatic, enthralling, engaging, creative...
This woman is one of many I admire for her selfie abilities. (Please click. She's amazing!)
Unfortunately, I have zero experience in being in front of the camera, and less inhibition then a toadstool. I never did go to acting school, get a part in a high school play, or even try out, for that matter. I have wonderful ideas, in my head, but on paper (or digital file format), I fall far short from where I'd like to be.
Last night, I decided to try. And try I did.
![]() |
Love Lita Ford & Ozzy |
And did again.
And again.
ok, this isn't really trying.... |
I don't pretend these are great. They really aren't. But they are a start.
After some editing, and a little thought, they grew on me a bit.
I suppose a good self-portrait shows one, as one is. These are actually a pretty good representation of me, as I am.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
For you, I bleed (15/366)
This was a refraction attempt gone wrong.
I'm pretty sure I love it.
I used to think blood sans oxygen was blue...
I'm pretty sure I love it.
I used to think blood sans oxygen was blue...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Blu (13/366)
*posting for yesterday*
I planned a collage, but sadly, Picnik isn't agreeing with T's laptop.
The first is the official 13/366 photo. The rest are just supporting actors :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
A no-pic kind of day (11/366)
*posting for yesterday*
I was in a funk. All day. Almost decided to intentionally skip the photo. Ignore the camera. Seemed stupid, pointless, wasted time. I have so many better things to do.
Like help Mason (my 5 yr old) have a good night, because he's sick. Again.
Yes, I know he doesn't look sick. But he was running a fever, and as of this morning I'm pretty sure at least one ear is infected. Joy.
So, I stopped by a drugstore, scooped up an easy dinner & some children's advil, and went home. Perfectly content with the idea that today wasn't a picture day.
Before dinner was even ready, Mason & Elijah (my 6 yr old) ambushed me, for the 36th time since Sunday night. See, last weekend, Christmas-at-Daddy's, they got this really cool 4 in 1 set of wooden model stuff...a plane, a car, a birdhouse, and a bird feeder. You'd think that me, the crafty type, would be all over this...right? Yea. No. Last night it was, if you do your homework, and we have time, we'll work on it. They forgot about half way through homework, and I was ok with that. Tonight? No homework. Just one sick boy, and one very eager-to-build boy. So, I promised as soon as dinner was over, we'd start on it.
And since Elijah wolfed dinner down, and Mason picked at 3 bites, start on it we did.
Turns out, these weren't what I imagined. I'm not sure where I got my "this is how a wooden model building project will be" impression. I mean, I've never built any. Never watched any being built. Somehow I thought it would be a very easy, five minutes and we're done, kinda thing.
I was wrong. Yay for assumptions? No.
There is no snap in place. There is no wave of a magic wand and *presto!*. Crap. What there is are these tiny little slippery wooden pieces that apparently you're supposed to sand. (I skipped that step) Then, you use the paint brush to apply the glue to the shaded (on the crappy instruction sheet) areas of the wooden pieces. Then you try oh so hard to hold those slippery gluey pieces in the right place til they dry enough to let go. And hope you didn't glue your fingers to them...
I think it took about 40 minutes for me to finish a airplane & a race car.
The boys graciously stood by and watched as Mom bit her tongue, fiddled, glued wrong, tore apart, fumbled, threw instructions in a fit of momentary disgust, then FINALLY pronounced "Done!"
They were quite happy, until I said they couldn't paint them til tomorrow...stupid glue. Guess what we're doing tonight?
Don't you just love the dust on my table?
Amazing as they are, and determined to just hop from one fun thing to the next, they both promptly declared they wanted a bubble bath. A what???
My kids haven't had a bubble bath in years. Not since Elijah screamed in terror one day at the sight of white puffy glittery bubbles rising out of the bathtub.
No screams this time.
I did find out that my bathroom is not conducive to good photography. Never has been, never will be. I'm ok with it. I'm already planning my next house's design based purely on 2 things...natural light & number of toilets.
Mason likes to lick hair? Oh dear god...the stories I'm gonna have to tell about him :)
So there ya have it...a day when I thought I had decided not to pick up my camera at all. But hey, I built a plane, a car...
And grabbed future blackmail opportunities....
And went on a date with my T ..no pics of that :P
And we all had smiles before bed. ;-)
I was in a funk. All day. Almost decided to intentionally skip the photo. Ignore the camera. Seemed stupid, pointless, wasted time. I have so many better things to do.
Like help Mason (my 5 yr old) have a good night, because he's sick. Again.
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Yes, I know he doesn't look sick. But he was running a fever, and as of this morning I'm pretty sure at least one ear is infected. Joy.
So, I stopped by a drugstore, scooped up an easy dinner & some children's advil, and went home. Perfectly content with the idea that today wasn't a picture day.
Before dinner was even ready, Mason & Elijah (my 6 yr old) ambushed me, for the 36th time since Sunday night. See, last weekend, Christmas-at-Daddy's, they got this really cool 4 in 1 set of wooden model stuff...a plane, a car, a birdhouse, and a bird feeder. You'd think that me, the crafty type, would be all over this...right? Yea. No. Last night it was, if you do your homework, and we have time, we'll work on it. They forgot about half way through homework, and I was ok with that. Tonight? No homework. Just one sick boy, and one very eager-to-build boy. So, I promised as soon as dinner was over, we'd start on it.
And since Elijah wolfed dinner down, and Mason picked at 3 bites, start on it we did.
Turns out, these weren't what I imagined. I'm not sure where I got my "this is how a wooden model building project will be" impression. I mean, I've never built any. Never watched any being built. Somehow I thought it would be a very easy, five minutes and we're done, kinda thing.
I was wrong. Yay for assumptions? No.
There is no snap in place. There is no wave of a magic wand and *presto!*. Crap. What there is are these tiny little slippery wooden pieces that apparently you're supposed to sand. (I skipped that step) Then, you use the paint brush to apply the glue to the shaded (on the crappy instruction sheet) areas of the wooden pieces. Then you try oh so hard to hold those slippery gluey pieces in the right place til they dry enough to let go. And hope you didn't glue your fingers to them...
I think it took about 40 minutes for me to finish a airplane & a race car.
The boys graciously stood by and watched as Mom bit her tongue, fiddled, glued wrong, tore apart, fumbled, threw instructions in a fit of momentary disgust, then FINALLY pronounced "Done!"
They were quite happy, until I said they couldn't paint them til tomorrow...stupid glue. Guess what we're doing tonight?
Don't you just love the dust on my table?
Amazing as they are, and determined to just hop from one fun thing to the next, they both promptly declared they wanted a bubble bath. A what???
My kids haven't had a bubble bath in years. Not since Elijah screamed in terror one day at the sight of white puffy glittery bubbles rising out of the bathtub.
No screams this time.
I did find out that my bathroom is not conducive to good photography. Never has been, never will be. I'm ok with it. I'm already planning my next house's design based purely on 2 things...natural light & number of toilets.
Mason likes to lick hair? Oh dear god...the stories I'm gonna have to tell about him :)
So there ya have it...a day when I thought I had decided not to pick up my camera at all. But hey, I built a plane, a car...
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Offical 11/366 photo btw |
And went on a date with my T ..no pics of that :P
And we all had smiles before bed. ;-)
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