Thursday, December 29, 2011

Meet Bruno (-3/366)

Meet Bruno.
Bruno, the Dish Fairy Dog

This is the unofficial first photo in my 366, actually more like -3/366, aka a prequel. Taken last night, in front of my kitchen sink, very full with dirty dishes. Welcome to my life!

And's heartbreaking for those who hate dishes as much as I, but he isn't *really* a dish fairy. He isn't even *really* a dog...le sigh

What he is? A very cute beanie puppy who will be helping me with my 366 now and again. He isn't even mine. He used to be, but my now-12 yr old daughter kinda "borrowed" him way back when on a sad night. Yesterday, I had to ask to borrow him back...haha

The best part about it? When I stuff him in my camera bag and bring him along for the day, I don't have to worry about fleas, a leash, or toting around a plastic bag for poop. Score!


  1. That's the best kind of pet there is - the kind that requires no upkeep. :)

  2. I'll trade you for my 10 year old black lab Maggie!! c= great shot by the way!!
